Amazon’s Future in Question: Jeff Bezos’ Bombshell Statements Shake the E-commerce Giant

These statements by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos are causing a stir. Amazon is on the brink of collapse, and there’s “nothing you can do about it,” announced Jeff Bezos.

The American entrepreneur from New Mexico founded the online giant in his garage in 1994, initially selling books over the internet. However, Amazon grew rapidly and temporarily made Bezos the richest man in the world. Yet, he remained and continues to be self-critical, regardless of how well the business is doing.

At the moment, Amazon is not doing so well. After a record year, the company is facing a slump in revenue this year. The Ukraine conflict and inflation are taking their toll, and perhaps people are enjoying going back to shopping centers.

However, sober observations indicate that Amazon is far from bankrupt. With a revenue of well over $100 billion, talk of insolvency is premature.

But according to Bezos, the end is within reach. In 2018, Bezos declared that Amazon is “not too big to fail.” “Amazon will also go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespan is around 30 years plus.” Indeed, Amazon will celebrate its 30th anniversary in two years. So it remains to be seen whether the revenue numbers will actually continue to shrink by then.

Bezos has made this prediction repeatedly. In 2017, he even wrote in a letter to shareholders about the “agonizing and painful decline” of the mega-company. To delay this as long as possible, he suggested treating every day as “Day One,” a fresh start where all energy is focused on growth. At the same time, he warned against “Day Two”—stagnation and irrelevance that will inevitably lead to decline. Therefore, the goal is to prevent “Day Two.”

However, Bezos doesn’t believe this can last forever. As early as 2013, he critically and soberly stated, “Companies have a short lifespan… and one day, Amazon won’t exist anymore.”

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Stuart Henderson